Westbrook Little People provides an environment in which all children, including those with special needs and disabilities (SEND), are supported to reach their full potential.
We offer:
- An accessible building on one level.
- An accessible garden with ramp.
- A location situated with easy access to both a park, field, and local woodland.
- A stimulating and safe environment.
- Highly qualified, caring, and experienced staff.
- A named SENDCo staff member who is currently undertaking a Level 3 in SEN qualification.
- A designated key person for each child with full support from from our SENDCo.
- We forge strong relationships with parents/carers, and share all information including personalised 'next steps' for each child.
- We liaise with both outside professionals and parents/carers to implement actions or recommendations.
- We have an inclusive environment offering a wide range of experiences, visitors, languages, and celebrations.
- We are ambitious for EVERY child.